Mrs. Bixby and the colonel's coat by Roald Dahl

This short story by Roald Dahl is much more innocent than The Landlady. But pay attention to the ending, it is going to surprise you as well.
Before reading the text, how many of this words do you already know? Can you write a definition of them? In case it's the first time you see these words, have a  look at the meaning:

After having read the story maybe you know better each characters' personality. Now, design a glog at You must focus on one specific character and give personal details of  him/her such as hobbies, job, physical and psychological traits, or anything you find interesting. Look at what is said in the story or invent some facts if you want to.
Now it's time to use your voice! Go to and record your favourite extract of the story. Remember to put some emphasis on the characters' mood, setting, etc. Try to sound interesting! If you prefer speaking avatars instead of just recording your voice I advise you to use, but it requires creating an account.

Did you enjoy this story? There are some clips on youtube based on Mr Bixby and the Colonel's Coat. This is one of them, created by the greatest British filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock:

  • CLASS DEBATE: INFIDELITY. Do you pity Mrs Bixby? Or it is the cost she has to pay because she's cheated his husband? What about Mr Bixby?
Roald Dahl's short stories are brilliant to introduce students to literature without them feeling harassed by long and difficult books. Before they read the story students must get acquainted with the words in the tag cloud for they're key words in this short story. If they're able to do it, it is interesting to make them think about how they can define a word: by using synonyms, antonyms, hyponymy, etc.
Once they've read the story, or even while they're reading it, students have to design a glog. As it has been previously stated, glogs are brilliant because they combine ICTs with writing and creativity. 
Practising some speaking and pronunciation, students are asked to record themselves using vocaroo.   This implies, not just choosing their favourite part of the story, but trying to utter these words with the correct pronunciation which sounds like real English.
As a post-treatment activity a class debate has been proposed. I imagine the subject of infidelity arouses curiosity on students. Although not as much as it was decades ago, infidelity is regarded as taboo, something which is not expected to be commented in class. That's why they feel engaged with this unusual topic and want to learn and practise some words related to cheating.
Last but not least, some constructive feedback needs to be collected. In this case, the teacher asks students their opinions about short stories, especially those written by Roald Dahl. It may provide useful information which the teacher should consider for other units, other groups, etc. 

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