Personal reflections

This blog is part of the assessment for the MOPS subject called  Didactic Resources for Teaching English Language. The techniques, resources, ICT tools and general tips given to students during this course have been highly profitable. In fact, there is a general feeling among students that this subject has been one of the most useful, dynamic and fruitful in the Master's degree.
First of all, it has been useful because everything we have learned has been done from a practical point of view. It is true that the most effective way of learning comes when you do any kind of production which entails handling information, self-experiencing, thinking how to be creative, trying all the resources proposed by teachers, etc. Secondly, the information given during the lectures has not been repetitive, as might have happened in other subjects in this master's degree (in both the specific and the common ones). This fact transmits, in my opinion, the feeling that I must take advantage of each and every lesson since what it is presented to me it's not going to be tackled anymore in other subjects. Last but not least, this subject has been entertaining since we had the opportunity to use the computer lab in order to have a try at the several websites which we were asked to work with. Personally, I have discovered many ICT tools which I am sure that they will be extremely useful to my professional career ( at least, at the moment I have used them for my final paper)

Dealing with the Master's degree in general, it has met my expectations. Despite the unnecessary repetition of some contents, I am satisfied with the amount of work, subjects which have been treated and teachers. However I believe these kind of courses should give more importance to practice and avoid theory which is not going to be so relevant when we go into teaching.

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